Telemed Sessions and the Pandemic

Due to social and physical distancing, Dr. Lee can provide consultations remotely for oriental medicine, herbal support, energy medicine and functional medicine using Zoom, Skype, Facetime, conference call, etc.
The Importance of Wellness Strategies during the Pandemic
During this time of turbulence and uncertainty, it is important to understand how you are reacting to and processing stressful information.
Do you feel isolated and anxious? Are you experiencing grief and loss?
Remote sessions (telemedicine) can allow you and Dr Lee to work through these emotions and manage your physical reactions.
The impact of social and physical distancing on your mindset creates its own anxiety and mental and emotional imbalance.
Dr Lee can help bring clarity to your reactions about this current situation. She can assist you in calming down your sympathetic nervous system's flight or fight response and reset your emotional balance.